

corporate Services

Our corporate services ranges from incorporation and post incorporation compliances. we advise the best legal structure suitable for the business i.e. proprietorship, association
of persons or companies. We further provide advice on conversion of private companies into public limited companies and vice versa.

The firm also undertakes:

  1. Preparation of Memorandum and Articles of Association and completion of incorporation procedure.
  2. Approval of prospectus from all relevant authorities including financial institutions, stock exchanges, Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan, Islamabad.
  3. Incorporation of brokerage house / advisory company and mutual funds under the Companies Act, 2017, registration and approval from the Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan.

We also undertake:

  1. Preparation of applications for listing of shares on the Stock Exchange.
  2. Preparation of applications for approval of prospectus from the Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan, Islamabad.
  3. egistration of Trusts under SECP, Trust Act, Societies Act
Company Incorporation



Past Incorporation Compliances
Corporate Restructuring
Designing Control Framwork