
ZMT & Co Chartered Accountants provides professional services through outsourcing partnerships. Currently, we provide services in New Zealand, Canada and Pakistan.

Our services include:

1. Payroll Management:
  • Preparation of payroll using various platforms such as MYOB, XERO, Crystal Payroll, Smartly, and manual methods.
  • Submission of PAYE returns to the Inland Revenue Department.
2.GST Services:
  • Preparation of GST returns using platforms like MYOB, XERO, and manual methods.
  • Sharing preliminary GST returns with clients through DocuSign for confirmation.
  • Submitting finalized GST returns to the Inland Revenue Department.
3.Financial Statement Preparation:
  • Compilation of historical and prospective financial statements.
  • Sharing compiled financial statements with clients through DocuSign for confirmation.
  • Submitting finalized financial statements to the Inland Revenue Department.

Our team is dedicated to providing accurate and reliable services to meet the diverse
needs of our clients.

Year-end-Accounting Services



Tax Return
Vat Return
Preparation and Managment Accounts
Preparation of Bussiness Plans and Forcasts
Anyother Managerial or Bussiness Support Function Mutually Agreed With Client