
You like to be creative – we have something in common

Taxation Services

Not for nothing do we speak of active creative consultation. With a fair helping of creativity, the tax adviser beats a path the client can safely follow through the jungle of rules and regulations. This requires in-depth analyses of all areas. And where matters of tax overlap with legal and economic factors, one must be able to access the appropriate specialist knowledge.

  • National and International fiscal arrangements and tax planning (corporate, employees, private)
  • Advice on purchase and sale of companies, mergers and joint ventures
  • National and international tax optimization
  • Advice on initial public offering
  • National and international succession planning (corporate and private)
  • Representation before public authorities and higher courts
  • Tax due diligence
  • Advice on privatization
  • Advice on financial reorganization
  • Advice on business succession
  • Organization advice
  • advice on restructuring outsourcing and
  • much more
Corporate Taxation
International Tax
Personal Tax
General Sales Tax (GST)